PRESS RELEASE - Polymer Comply Europe (PCE) / Polymers for Europe Alliance on behalf of European Plastics Converters (EuPC)
The Polymers for Europe Alliance, set up by the European Plastics Converters association (EuPC) in 2015, held a webinar moderated by the Alliance’s Chairman Mr. Ron Marsh on March 3rd 2022.
Many participants were surprised by the strong consensus which emerged from the discussion. Recent difficulties were acknowledged and 2021 was even described as the ‘Annus Horribilis’ for the plastics industry as a whole. The suggestion was made that the recent annual assessment exercise illustrated a high degree of exasperation by converters in applauding the performance of new entrants to the European industry whilst relegating the traditional major suppliers to a much more modest position. It was agreed that Europe required investment but some polymer suppliers were able to point to projects that were already underway, others felt that investment in the Circular Economy was going to give Europe the opportunity to recover its historic lead, and others were able to point to a clean slate on Forces Majeures suggesting their requirement for investment was less pressing.
Going forward, both sides agreed that avoiding an on-going decline in the relative standing of the European plastics industry would require a new chapter in the industry to open with more transparency, clear collaboration and mutual respect for the differing requirements of suppliers and converters. The will to achieve this was present during the meeting but it would require buy-in from a broader grouping to capitalise on this opportunity.
The meeting concluded on this positive note whilst recognising that the past week had brought new factors into play the consequences of which were as yet difficult to predict.
About Polymers for Europe Alliance
The Alliance was initiated by the European Plastics Converters association (EuPC) during its General Assembly in May 2015. It is an online, confidential information platform open to all parties who have an interest in the competitive conversion of polymers in Europe. Its objectives are to provide factual public information on the status of the polymer supply situation in Europe and to re-establish a constructive dialogue with the supply base. The initiatives of the Alliance also include the Best Polymer Producers Awards for Europe.
EuPC media contact: Info Polymers for Europe Alliance:
+32 (0)2 741 82 82
Avenue de Cortenbergh 71
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium