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MERLIN : Cluster Meeting of European projects contributing to the EU Plastic Strategy


Increasing the quality and rate of MultilayER packaging recyclINg waste

On the 30th of September 2021, MERLIN, the new Horizon 2020 project participated to the Cluster Meeting of European projects contributing to the EU Plastic Strategy, organized by the European Research Executive Agency (REA).

The meeting, which took place in a completely virtual mode, presented a dozen European projects that aim to transform the way plastic products are designed, produced, used and recycled in the EU.

MERLIN was presented by the Technical Coordinator, Mr. José Luiz Dieguez (ITENE), during the session: Improving the sorting, separation and recycling of composite and multi-layers materials.

The consortium, objectives, process and expected impacts of MERLIN were introduced. It was also the occasion to explain how the project is going to contribute to the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy and to the EU Green Deal.

As a partner, EuPC was also present to this cluster meeting, represented by Mr. Marjan Ranogajec and Ms. Aude Bourgeois.


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