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EuPC supports the book 'Plastics Paradox' by Dr. Chris DeArmitt

EuPC has the pleasure to announce you its support to the book 'Plastics Paradox' written by Dr. Chris DeArmitt, World-Class Plastic Materials Consultant, Leading Environmental Expert who spent over 1000 hours reading thousands of scientific articles and reports to find the truth about plastics and its real impacts on the environment.

This book, available in three languages, offers an analysis of plastics and the environment. Written with extensive studies, research, graphs, charts, scientific information, and some really beautiful photos, this book offers multiple sources and angles to provide a comprehensive yet easy to read insight into our current trend of plastic-bashing and the future issues this will cause.

Dr. DeArmitt’s intent is to demythologize plastics and introduce the science to the public, educators, and journalists. He discusses from plastic bags by the way to plastic litter in environment as well as the issue of plastics in global river environments and beach litter to microplastics, plastics degradation and plastics recycling.

!! Save the date and register now!! Polymer Comply Europe (PCE) organises on behalf of European Plastics Converters (EuPC) a live webinar on The Plastics Paradox - The Truth about Plastics & the Environment with its author Dr. Chris DeArmitt on the 7th of October 2021 between 15.00 - 17.00 CET. Participation is free of charge, registration is required via this link. More information :



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