On the 4th and 12th of April, EuPC together with Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) held interaction meetings with standardisation organisations. This is one of the Milestone that EuPC has to deliver in the WorkPackage 5 of MERLIN project, entitled "Assessment of the environmental, economic, social, legislative and regulatory barriers of the developed processes".
📌The purpose of this interaction was to introduce the MERLIN project, to have a dialogue about specific processes developed in the project and potential barriers for the adoption.
🤝Very nice inputs were given by the European Standardisation Booster HSbooster.eu, by the Danish Standardisation body Danish Standard, the Spanish UNE - Asociación Española de Normalización, and by the Belgian Packaging Institute (IBE-BVI) which enabled us to identify obstacles in terms of standardisation.