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BREAKING NEWS- Revision of the Construction Products Regulation: European Parliament vote in plenary


11th June 2023

The report of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) committee of the European Parliament on the proposal of the European Commission for a regulation laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products, the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) will be put to the vote in the plenary meeting of the European Parliament, today instead of tomorrow.

As the EU Council has adopted its General Approach on 30 June, the mandate to enter into trialogue with the EU Parliament should be adopted. Interinstitutional negotiations are therefore expected to begin in September. EuPC welcomes and broadly supports IMCO’s Report that seems to reduce the overall complexity of the regulation and to take into consideration the industry’s needs.

Nevertheless, we would like to highlight a few specific points that we hope will be considered by the European Parliament and Council during their trialogue negotiations:

  • CPR should remain the vade mecum to regulate construction products and therefore prevail over other Union legislation e.g. the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) in case of conflicts;

  • We recommend EN 15804 standard to be the reference document to make sustainability declarations;

  • It is crucial that the standardisation system is maintained under the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) to address product specific requirements through standardisation requests to dedicated product Technical Committees (TCs).

For more information, please read our position paper below.


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