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A Circular Future with Plastics 2022 - THANK YOU


Updated: Jul 5, 2022

🎉Our two-days Annual Conference " A Circular Future with Plastics 2022" took place two weeks ago in Brussels🎉

EuPC would like to thank all of you for your participation and presence.

It was a real pleasure to meet you all again physically after the pandemic.

EuPC would like to warmly thank all the speakers for their great presentations and also everyone else for the very active participation with interesting discussions and questions.

A special thank to Melinda Crane for her professional and high level moderation during the Main Conference and panel debate.

Last but not least, EuPC would like to gratefully thank all the sponsors and media partners for having supported the event: without their support, it could not have been such a success.

📌The entire plastics industry is facing many issues at the moment. Challenges are there and choices will have to be made. It is time to join forces, to be more united and to speak with one voice for plastics converters. It is important to work more closely with the whole value chain in the future. Let’s put our priorities on continuing to work together towards a #circularfuturewithplastics.

EuPC would like to congrats Benoît Hennaut for his election as the new EuPC President for the next two years.

We hope you enjoyed “A Circular Future with Plastics 2022” as much as we did.

EuPC is looking forward to seeing you next year in France.


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