Close to a hundred leaders from the plastics packaging industry came together last week at the EuPC offices Brussels to listen to senior experts speak along the theme of “The Future of Plastics Packaging”.
From the European Commission to Danone, from the Circular Economy to innovations in food packaging, the perspectives of speakers were engaging and the breadth of subjects covered was impressive. An informed audience heard about the newest thinking in Plastics Packaging in nine distinct presentations by industry, NGO and institutional representatives, followed by critical discussions and debates with the speakers.
The conference opened with introductory remarks by Ron Marsh, chairman of the Polymers for Europe Alliance, who warmly welcomed all involved; Françoise Gerardi of ELIPSO, the French Plastics and Flexible Packaging Association guided participants eloquently through the conference.
In the first presentation, Alan Campbell from the LCA Centre challenged conventional assumptions about the environmental impact of plastics packaging, arguing for a verification of current environmental claims. Alan Davey, Linpac Packaging highlighted the role of smart plastics and food waste. In extending shelf live, controlling portions and making contents visible, plastics packaging is in fact a key green technology contributing to today’s resource efficiency, he argued. Elisabeth Hamdouch presented the Commission DG Growth’s perspective on plastics packaging within the Circular Economy, followed by Razvan Antemir, EMOTA, who looked at how plastics is selling online. Brian Lodge, RPC Group touched upon the concept of open innovation in plastics packaging, while Philippe Diercxsens showed how Danone is raising consumer awareness about eco-friendly consumption.
After lunch, Andrew Manly, AIPIA looked at newest packaging technology and Antonino Furfari of PRE pointed out the value of recycling plastics in a new Circular Economy. In a stint showing high flexibility, Silvia Freni Sterrantino, Packaging Advocacy Manager of EuPC readily replaced MEP Simona Bonafè on short notice.
Overall, the event proved to be an excellent opportunity for industry stakeholders to connect, exchange and share recent developments.