Plastics value chain agrees on common demands for the Circular Economy Package
Our industries are calling the European and National Institutions to size these recommendations to build a truly European Circular Economy for plastics:
Zero Plastics to landfill by 2025. This will ensure that plastic waste can be used as a resource and does not end up in the environment
The 55% plastic packaging “preparing for re-use and recycling” target by 2025 is challenging. We are willing to continue to play our part and call the other relevant stakeholders to act too
We call for the mandatory separate collection of all packaging from residual waste by 2025
The Commission shall establish a uniform methodology for the calculation of the targets of “preparing for re-use and recycling” and the measurement point for recycling performance. Uniformity will set a level-playing-field for all actors on the market and enable an accurate overview of Member States’ performance as well as meaningful comparisons.
EU wide quality standards for plastic waste and its treatment should be developed, including specifications for sorted waste, harmonization of tests methods for recycled plastic materials and certification of plastic recycling operations
Innovation in technologies throughout the whole plastics value-chain should be stimulated to increase the potential for recycling.
Michael Kundel, EuPC President, shares that "This circular economy package is the right way forward for the plastics industry to further enhance sustainability in our way of doing business. It will also guide consumers and public authorities in the same direction. Industry will develop innovative tools and new business models as well as products that will contribute to the new circular economy within the next decades. We will work together to develop quality recyclates to fulfill the future needs in our plastics industry markets."
Patrick Thomas, President of PlasticsEurope said, “The Commission’s circular economy package is an opportunity to achieve a more resource efficient Europe. For the circular economy to deliver long-term and sustainable environmental benefits, it is essential that the whole life cycle of products is taken into account from the perspective of a low-carbon economy. Our industry is committed to a sustainable future within a low-carbon economy and the plastics value-chain will continue to work together towards this common goal”.
Ton Emans, PRE President, stated “Recycling will play a growing role in plastics. The current legislative push is going in the right direction and this join industry position translates this trend”. “In addition to these common position further work must be achieved in terms of design for recycling, controls of waste export and pull mechanisms” added Ton Emans.
The European plastics industry is an integral part of the manufacturing in Europe with over 62,000 companies providing more than 1.4 million jobs and annually contributing 26 billion euros to public finances.