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Sep 16, 2020
Monitoring Platform MORE Announces First Results on the Use of Recycled Polymers in France
JOINT PRESS RELEASE MORE – MOnitoring Recyclates for Europe has completed its first round of data collection in France and announces for...

Jul 27, 2020
EU Plastic Tax approved by European Council: A Danger for the EU Single Market & Recovery
EuPC Press Release With its latest agreement on the new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and coronavirus recovery fund, the European...

Jun 12, 2020
Renato Zelcher, CEO of Crocco SpA, re-elected for EuPC Presidency
Today, during the General Assembly of European Plastics Converters, Mr. Renato Zelcher (1962), CEO of Crocco SpA, has been re-elected as...

Apr 22, 2020
How plastic products contribute to the fight against COVID-19
EuPC PRESS RELEASE Today, the COVID-19 pandemic is deeply disrupting not only the European economy but our entire society. The social and...

Mar 6, 2020
European Plastics Converters will not sign the European Plastic Pact today
EuPC Press Release Today, the European Plastic Pact has been officially launched under the aegis of the Environment Ministries of,...

Feb 14, 2020
Quality & performances of recycled polymers in Europe rise while availability decreases
PRESS RELEASE EuPC publishes the first results of its 3rd survey on the use of recycled polymers by plastics converting companies in...

Feb 12, 2020
EP’s vote to block exemptions for the use of recycled PVC damages the circular economy in Europe
PRESS RELEASE On the 12th of February 2020, the plenary of the European Parliament adopted a resolution objecting to the European...

Jan 21, 2020
EP Committee’s vote to block exemptions for the use of recycled PVC damages the circular economy
PRESS RELEASE On the 21st of January 2020, the Environment Committee of the European Parliament adopted a resolution objecting to the...

Jan 21, 2020
Are the Green Deal and the Single-Use Plastics Directive a contradiction in Europe?
PRESS RELEASE Single-use plastics items serve many important functions in terms of health, hygiene, preservation and life extension of...

Nov 26, 2019
European industries unite to call for an ambitious EU industrial strategy
PRESS RELEASE Industry4Europe, a coalition of 149 sector Associations representing the diversity of the EU’s industrial base, today...

Nov 13, 2019
Online tool that monitors uptake of recycled polymers launches in the UK
PRESS RELEASE MOnitoring Recyclates for Europe (MORE) — the single, unified online tool to monitor the uptake of recycled polymers into...

Oct 28, 2019
EuPC, PlasticsEurope and PRE Against the Italian Plastic Tax
Joint Press Release During a meeting held in Düsseldorf at the K trade show, the three Presidents of the European plastics industry...

Oct 7, 2019
Is taxing the plastics industry in Europe the push into a recession?
Press Release 7/10/2019 --- The European Commission is still proposing to EU Member States the introduction of a national contribution...

Sep 6, 2019
3rd Edition of Recycling Survey Launched by European Plastics Converters (EuPC)
Based on the findings of the first two surveys, and backed up by their success and the signature of the Circular Plastics Alliance...

Feb 21, 2019
ECHA Sector Approach on Plastics Additives Published
EuPC & EuMBC Joint Press Release “We are proud to announce the closure and final publication of a joint project started by EuPC and EuMBC...

Dec 21, 2018
Erasmus+ Project UPSKILL Successfully Launched
European Plastics Converters (EuPC) is proud to announce that it is taking a part in the project “UPSKILL - Actions Upward: The Skills...

Dec 6, 2018
Plastics Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda in a Circular Economy
EuPC and 4 other partners published the "Plastics Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda in a Circular Economy" on the 6th of December...

Oct 30, 2018
Press Release: EuPC welcomes the efforts of the EMF to tackle the worldwide ocean pollution
Yesterday in Bali, at the Our Ocean Conference, organised by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation...

Oct 18, 2018
Press Release: Single use plastics: a political or environmental decision?
The recent, swift developments of the EU Single-use plastics directive proposal are developing at a very worrying speed. The European...

May 28, 2018
EuPC's first comments on the European Commission's directive proposal on the reduction of ce
EuPC regrets to read that the European Commission has put forward today the proposal for a Directive on the reduction of the impact of...
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